Your belly’s still groaning after an indulgent day of turkey and all the trimmings, Quality Street and Bailey’s so why would you want to spend Christmas night in a sleeping bag outside your local Next store? Maybe to get away from your visiting relatives, or maybe you really MUST have that essential wrought iron toilet roll holder. Or, you can lounge around in bed, catching up on the Boxing Day sales in your nightie. Here are my picks from my favourite online shops.
Regular readers will not be surprised to find that my internet search engine is always set to ‘holographic’. Therefore it did not take me long to find these spectacular nose-bleed inducing holographic Buffalo beetle crushers (the shoes are holographic, not the beetles. Or the buffaloes.). These towering ‘forms have a funky bubble finish and a velcro strap for super-customisable fastening. Schuh, £19.99 (was a rent-depleting £125!). Free postage.

Creepers also feature highly in my shoe collection. I was wearing my trusted New Look silver creepers at work the other day and a colleague yelled “Servalan feet” at me – so I guess that’s a win! (Servalan was a fictional space chick, heritage TV fans). Here is a pair of silver glitter-encrusted fancies from the ever-dependable TUK, £32.50 (was £65). Postage from £3.95.

The ultimate shoe combo has to be both holographic AND creeper-style, so imagine my delight when I found these space-age iridescent creepers. And also my dismay. I shipped a pair of these beauties over from the States recently and incurred a lip-pursingly unexpected and large amount of import tax. Save yourself the duty and buy them from TUK, £34 (was £85). Postage from £3.95.

Let’s get this out of the way first: there are many places where the debate about the ethics of cheap clothes and sweatshops rages on. But, for today at least, that place is not here. Everything 5 Pounds is a cheap-as-chips online retailer, with a simple hook: everything is a fiver. Check out this black holographic lens-pattern jumper, Everything 5 Pounds, £5 (was £5. OK, so this wasn’t in a sale but it’s only a bloomin’ fiver – so waddya expect?!). Postage from £3.95.

So, there you have it – a small selection of bargain shiny and space-age stuff which you may see me wearing on the streets of the Isle of Wight. Feel free to shout ‘”Servalan” if you spot me out and about!