Following the success of the first Wight Catwalk swishing event, we were delighted to be asked to run an upcycled fashion workshop for trend. This popular eco-friendly shop and youth cafe is going on tour and will be popping up at Cowes as trend@CowesWeek, and we’ll be there to show the young ‘uns how to customise their clobber.
Back in the day, before upcycling and vintage were de rigeur, we bought our clothes from jumble sales or, in the case of my beloved satin and silver jacket, found them in a skip. Yes. A skip. OK, perhaps an ensemble created out of some hippy’s cast off embroidered Lionels, yer nan’s fake leopardskin coat and a blouse with Renaissance religious prints may have been a pattern clash too far* but hey, it’s experimentation, innit.
Having harvested ideas from the interwebs, Helen and I gathered some resources and spent a wonderfully creative afternoon bleaching, cutting, sewing and embellishing.

We are ready for our #word workshop. See ya there?
Wight Catwalk’s upcycled fashion workshop is on Thursday 13 August between 11am and 2pm.
Please note: trend@CowesWeek is for for 11 to 19 year-olds only. It is at St Thomas of Canterbury Hall, between Terminus Road and Sun Hill, for free entry (with wristband registration), free activities, and drinks and food.
*Just me, then?