Poppy mixes it up
Poppy and I bonded over a mutual love of holographic materials on one of my many lunchtime jaunts to Claire’s, where she works as a supervisor.
Read MorePoppy and I bonded over a mutual love of holographic materials on one of my many lunchtime jaunts to Claire’s, where she works as a supervisor.
Read MoreRyde’s Naomi ‘Noo’ Sondergaard caught my eye one sunny spring Sunday. Her look is a melange of rockabilly, geek chic.
Read MoreWaiting for nail polish to dry? Nobody ain’t got no time for that.
Read More“This isn’t yours is it?” scolded a soft Welsh accent whilst a tatty cardboard membership card was waved at me. “err, no….” said I….
Read MoreAll you young kids, with your ‘washed up mermaid’ locks and Katy Perry-influenced brights, may not remember a time when hitting the hair-dye bottle meant either Bet Lynch-style brassy blonde or Mrs Slocombe’s patchy pastels.
Read MoreIf you fancy having space nails without being modified to incorporate metallic fingertips, then there is a less drastic alternative.
Read MoreThe world of nails has made some significant advances since the early days of a quick shape with a metal file finished with a clear top coat. In fact, to the uninitiated, it can be a confusing minefield, more easily interpreted by an industrial chemist.
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