Jurassic Steve
Hailing from London, original 1960s vintage mod ‘Jurassic’ Steve now lives in Lake, Isle of Wight, which he referred to as “God’s waiting room”.
Read MoreHailing from London, original 1960s vintage mod ‘Jurassic’ Steve now lives in Lake, Isle of Wight, which he referred to as “God’s waiting room”.
Read MoreIt was hard to miss Chelsea’s magenta hair, standing out among the veteran scooterists.
Read MoreWith her distinctive haircut and soft androgyny, petite Donna stood out in the crowd of scooterists. She has a really cool look.
Read MoreDescribing their look as tutti frutti, Oxford couple Becky and George arrived on matching citrus-coloured Lambrettas.
Read MoreTell you what, if anyone is going to give the street style photographer value for money, then it’s gonna be scooterists.
Read MoreIf you live on #ThatMainland then you’re probably au fait with how to fit in with the local lumbersexuals, Chap Olympians and penny farthing MAMILS. On the Isle of Wight, we have our own street tribes, including #RedTrews yachties, elastic-waisted BMI bandits, and, err… Captain Panna.
Read MoreAs any resident of Ryde will not have failed to notice, each August Bank Holiday the Georgian town is invaded by scooterists. Back in the day, the town’s elders tutted and shook their heads at the supposed chaos these two-wheeled retronauts caused. These days the business association, hotels and restaurants welcome the visitors with open arms – and quite rightly too.
Read MoreWhile the rest of the country knocks itself out with hatred towards immigrants, vitriol against ‘benefit scroungers’ and apportions rain blame to homosexuals in legal relationships, the Isle of Wight is (hopefully) a place of sunshine and acceptance.
Read MoreThe world of nails has made some significant advances since the early days of a quick shape with a metal file finished with a clear top coat. In fact, to the uninitiated, it can be a confusing minefield, more easily interpreted by an industrial chemist.
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